some messages had been deleted

Sir Richard Dearlove, head of MI6 until 2004, advised Britain not to be “squeamish” about using the intelligence services to protect its economic interests, the Daily Telegraph reported. He lauded central banks like the Bank of England for keeping extensive networks of contacts to secure information on future developments, saying “specialist intelligence agencies should also undertake the task of financial security.” “I am addressing the future of the euro and how defaults affect us economically,” he told the Global Strategy Forum. “Efficient central bankers should be able to handle themselves but I am indicating they could and might need help from time to time on the currency issue,” added the former chief spymaster. tiffany bracelet

Sir Richard noted that the 2008 financial crisis has changed his views on the role of intelligence agencies in protecting the economy. “Britain needed to be forewarned and forearmed in anticipation of a future crisis,” he said, adding that “I don't think we should be squeamish about using all means to protect ourselves financially.” The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, enjoys deep ties with its intelligence counterparts across Europe as one of the highest regarded global spy agencies. However, the government would risk a backlash from the country's closest neighbors and allies by ordering the foreign intelligence agency to actively spy on its partners.

tiffany bracelet heart The final year of Sir Richard's career, who was appointed head of MI6 in 1999, was overshadowed by controversy over the dossier used by the government to accuse Iraq of pursuing a secret Weapons of Mass Destruction program. Britain's The News of the World newspaper has been accused of hacking into a missing teenager's phone messages, hampering a police inquiry into her disappearance. Milly Dowler, 13, was found murdered months later and, now, the report that her messages were tampered with has horrified the British public, according to media reports. Milly's disappearance in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found six months later in the woods by mushroom pickers. According to the state-run BBC, News International, the News Corporation's British newspaper division of which Brooks is now its chief executive had passed material to the police relating to e-mails that seemed to show that payments made to the police for information had been authorized by Coulson, a former editor of The News of the World.

mens tiffany bracelet Coulson was Brooks's deputy at The News of the World in 2002 but later moved into the top editor's role. He then joined Cameron's staff but resigned in January as questions over the hacking scandal persisted. Coulson, in his resignation statement, reiterated his unawareness of the hacking, saying that the scandal has proved too distracting for him to do his job. The Tabloid press have been used to harassing royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems. But the latest hacking case received very strong reactions from everyone including Prime Minister David Cameron and movie stars who commented on Twitter. "(It is) shocking that someone could do this, knowing that the police were trying to find this person and trying to find out what had happened," Cameron told a joint news briefing in Kabul with Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan. tiffany earrings

The case has refocused the spotlight on the already tainted News of The World, part of Rupert Murdoch's global media empire at News Corp. This comes as Murdoch is trying to engineer the politically sensitive, multibillion-pound takeover of the broadcaster BSkyB in Britain. While police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for information, a private investigator working for the News of the World allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones. Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Milly's parents, said on Tuesday that he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference as the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation. It was never determined how long the teen was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came soon after her disappearance.

cheap tiffany earrings Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive. "It is distress heaped upon tragedy to learn that the News of the World had no humanity at such a terrible time," Lewis said. "The fact that they were prepared to act in such a heinous way that could have jeopardized the police investigation and give them false hope is despicable", added the lawyer. He said the executives at the newspaper should take responsibility and step down. Serial killer Levi Bellfield, who is already serving a life sentence for two other murders, was convicted of Milly's slaying two weeks ago. tiffany earrings silver heart

Par chenchen le lundi 11 juillet 2011


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