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KUCHING: Firefly is offering one million seats at fares from as low as RM9 for travels from Aug 6 this year up to Oct 27 next year during its Mega Sales Campaign with booking period from July 11 to 12. This is the first time Firefly is offering so many seats at one go with such low fares, all in. It should be good news for those planning their holidays on small budget. cheap tiffany

These low fares are only available online and applicable to Firefly’s entire network and would soon commence new routes. In a press statement, Firefly’s head of marketing and communications Angelina C Fernandez said this is the first time they are offering a Mega Sale of this nature and for such a long travel period. She revealed that jet operations which began early this year have increased Firefly’s seat capacity by almost 50 per cent. As a result of this, she pointed out Firefly are now able to offer 1 million seats. “At Firefly, we make dreams come true. We may be low in fares but high in service. We offer aerobridge facilities for our jet customers’ safety and convenience and our highly fuel efficient ATR 72-500 aircraft fly from city airports. “Our message to the public is to plan your holiday early, even a year in advance, and you get to save ‘Big’, the Firefly way,” she enthused. tiffany necklace

The statement also disclosed that two new routes would commence soon, which include two flights daily Kuala Lumpur – Sandakan from Aug 1 and three flights daily Kuala Lumpur – Langkawi from Dec 1. It said the Mega Sale promotional fares are also applicable for two new international routes. They are Johor Bahru – Surabaya which flies four times per week from Aug 14, and Johor Bahru – Bandung, three flights per week from Aug 16. Firefly, which began its operations in 2007, currently operates a fleet of 10 ATR 72-500 turboprop, six B737-800s and one B737-400. The ATR 72-500s operate out of Penang and Subang. The B737-800s operate out of Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu while the B737-400s operate out of Johor Bahru. Firefly is also the first company in Malaysia and the second airline in the world to have a page on Foursquare, the location-based social network that enables travellers to discover useful travel tips near their airports or destinations. tiffany mens necklace

KOTA SAMARAHAN: Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud yesterday said there is no need to set up a ministry or an agency to take charge of resettlement of people affected by major hydroelectric dam projects in the state. He added as construction of dams were periodic there would not be enough jobs for the ministry to handle after their construction. “It is not necessary to form it (the ministry). There will be no jobs for them to handle,” he told reporters. He said this after attending a joint convocation ceremony of Tun Abdul Razak (TAR) Teachers Institute Samarahan campus and Teachers Institute Miri campus held at the hall of the teachers institute here yesterday. Taib was responding to a call by Minister of Land Development Tan Sri Dr James Masing to set up a ministry to look after the esettlement of communities displaced by the construction of dams in the state. tiffany necklace silver

Masing had proposed that a ministry be set up as a permanent agency to replace the current ad-hoc committees looking after the elfare of communities affected by the construction of dams. Masing was reported to have brought up his proposal to the chief minister on several occasions. So far four areas, Batang Ai, Bakun, Bengoh and Murum, have been affected by construction of dams. Except for Bengoh which is being built as a reservoir, the others are hydro-power dams. Earlier in his speech, Taib said the state government was speeding ICT penetration in the state to improve teaching facilities through WiFi and narrow the rural and urban digital gap. tiffany necklace white gold

Education through WiFi was adopted from Cambridge University and widely used in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). “The state government will ensure that, if not all, two thirds of Sarawak will be fully covered by the WiFi network,” he said. Taib disclosed that a pioneer WiFi teaching programme had been implemented in Mukah. “If the system works well, the state government will extend its usage to the other divisions.” He added that the state government could not wait for the profit-motivated private sector to run the programme. Among those present were Tun Abdul Razak (TAR) Teachers Institute Samarahan campus director Rijeng Jahet and Teachers Institute Miri campus director Nuri Udin. tiffany bracelet

Par chenchen le samedi 09 juillet 2011


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