school education

Pandora Bracelets SaleOutspoken Aboriginal education representative Alca Simpson has called on the community to embrace the new version of Dubbo College. Mr Simpson, a member of the Dubbo Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and a parent at Dubbo College Senior Campus, yesterday described the model announced by education minister Adrian Piccoli as workable. “Having two junior 7-10 campus linked to a Year 11-12 senior campus is much better than the previous idea of former education minister Verity Firth.

Pandora Beads Sale“She wanted to segregate public secondary education in Dubbo with a Year 7-12 school in South Dubbo set apart from a Year 7-9 school in West Dubbo and a Year 10-12 senior campus in Yarrandale Road.” At the time of minister Firth’s announcement Mr Simpson accused the NSW government of pushing Indigenous policies in Dubbo back 50 years. “This latest announcement will allow public education in Dubbo to continue to cater for everyone,” Mr Simpson said. The Teachers’ Federation is not happy with the retention of the split campus college model and has not ruled out industrial action. Mr Simpson said teachers are entitled to express their opinion.

Pandora Jewelry “But for the sake of student outcomes the entire Dubbo community needs to accept that a decision has been made,” he said. “A new model for public secondary education is being put in place and it is now up to us all to work together for the sake of student outcomes.” Mr Simpson applauded minister Piccoli for taking the time to visit Dubbo to listen to parents, students and the Indigenous community. “From where I sit, I would have preferred to stay with two junior Year 7-9 campus and one Year 10-12 senior campus,” he said. “Dubbo College didn’t need to change but there were concerns about how it was being managed. Pandora Charms On Sale

“Minister Piccoli has addressed that issue by appointing a school education director to oversee the college in a temporary capacity until a permanent person is appointed.” Three motorists were lucky to escape without injury yesterday after their vehicles collided on the Mitchell Highway near Dubbo. Dubbo Police, the NSW Ambulance Service and the Rural Fire Service attended the accident, 12 kilometres out on the Narromine road, but no one was taken to hospital. A spokesman for the Ambulance Service said one patient was treated at the scene, however they did not require further medical attention.

Pandora BanglesThe other two motorists were reportedly fine. Yesterday’s accident was one of several to occur on the Mitchell Highway, west of Dubbo, in the past month. A 55-year-old man died on the stretch of road near Trangie on June 16 after his vehicle collided with a tree, about 85km from Dubbo. A 21-year-old male died after a motor vehicle accident on the Mitchell Highway between Narromine and Trangie on May 27. Police investigations into yesterday’s accident are continuing. Pandora Charms Online

Par chenchen le mardi 05 juillet 2011


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